Training and Accreditation System


A key feature of the IMPACT Program is the 4-tier accreditation framework which incrementally build upon each other. 

  1. Introductory – this accreditation is achieved by trainees either completing the (1) 2-Day IMPACT Respond Rather Than React Workshop or (2) the 1-Day IMPACT Foundations workshop with supplementary activities. 
  2. Advanced – this accreditation is achieved after completion of the 2-Day Advanced IMPACT (Intentional Practitioner/Coaching). 
  3. IMPACT Coach – this accreditation is achieved after completion of a 4-5 hour online training package. IMPACT Coaches have access to higher level resources, tools, videos and factsheets through IMPACT Online
  4. IMPACT Trainer – this level accredits local community members to delivery the 1-Day IMPACT Foundations workshop within their community, and empower community members achieve the Introductory level accreditation. 
Each level is now summarised. 

1. Introductory

Core Competencies

Awareness and skills to apply intentional communication and strategies to:

  • Understand the ‘under the surface’ impact of trauma, context and circumstances on human functioning. 
  • Respond to the “needs” of clients (children, young people or adults), as opposed to react to their surface behaviour.
  • Conduct moment-to-moment trauma-responsive practices. 
  • Grow a client’s internal resources for personal wellbeing, resilience and optimal day-to-day decision making through intentional support and actions. 
  • Develop a non-clinical Growth Action Plans (What-What-How) with others that is personalised to a client’s individual needs and context.
  • Develop a shared intent with both clients and others in shared growth or wellbeing planning. 

Two Option Accreditation Process

Option 1. 

2-Day IMPACT Respond Rather Than React (Introduction to Intentional Trauma-Responsive Practice).

LBI Foundation can deliver this workshop internally to schools and communities to accredit staff to the Introductory Level. 

Option 2.

1-Day IMPACT Foundations Workshop, Specialist Trauma Workshop and Supported Growth Action Plan.

The 1-Day Foundations Workshop can be delivered by LBI Foundation or a local IMPACT Trainer. Following this training, accreditation is finalised by the trainee also conducting: 

2. Advanced

Core Competencies

Awareness and skills to:

  • Develop deeper ‘under the surface’ picture using the descriptors of (1) awareness, (2) skills and (3) mindsets. 
  • Develop a ‘growth intent’ using the building blocks descriptors of (1) feelings, (2) awareness, (3) skills and (4) mindsets. 
  • Conduct moment-to-moment trauma-responsive practices, and be able to articulate one’s intent within communication to others. 
  • Conduct intentional coaching conversations, drawing upon both implicit and explicit strategies. 
  • Independently develop a non-clinical Growth Action Plans (What-What-How) that is personalised to a client’s individual needs and context.
  • Take a leadership role in the development of a shared intent with both clients and others in  growth or wellbeing planning and reflective practices. 

Accreditation Process

2-Day Advanced IMPACT (Intentional Practitioner/Coaching)

LBI Foundation deliver this workshop in Adelaide (see upcoming events) or in partnership with a local community (e.g., school, agency, region etc). 

3. IMPACT Coach

Core Competencies

Awareness, skills and confidence to:

  • Take a lead role in the design, review and implementation of a non-clinical Growth Action Plans within their community
  • Incrementally take more and more IMPACT content to the “apply-it” and “coach-it” roles. 
  • Conduct intentional coaching conversations, and drawing upon explicit resources and modules within the learning process. 
  • Be a local community champion in the intentional and incremental embedding of IMPACT content within the community. 

Accreditation Process

4-5 Hour Online Learning Process

All trainees who complete the Advanced IMPACT are provided the option of completing their IMPACT Coach accreditation. This involves a number of accreditation tasks on IMPACT Online which can be embedded within their normal work role. 

4. IMPACT Trainer

Core Competencies

Awareness, skills and confidence to:

  • Deliver the 1-Day IMPACT Foundations workshops within their community, in a manner where they can make IMPACT content practical and translatable for their context. 
  • Lead and guide IMPACT capacity building processes in their community.  

Accreditation Process


Accredited IMPACT Coaches can demonstrate they are:

  1. Applying explicit side-by-side of Growth Action Planning in their community. 
  2. Applying explicit intentional coaching conversations related to IMPACT content in their community (there is no expectation that every piece of IMPACT content is being coached). 
  3. Committed to being a local Community Champion. 
For further information on the IMPACT Train-The-Trainer accreditation process, please download this document

Pre-Workshop Preparation, 1-Day Workshop and 3 Hours Pre-Delivery Coaching

1. Pre-Workshop Preparation – in the month prior to the workshop, trainees will be required to dedicate 4-5 hours of time to consolidate their existing IMPACT knowledge (online process).

2. 1-Day Workshop – trainees will be provided all the resources, content and coaching support to deliver the IMPACT Foundations workshop. 

3. Pre-Delivery Coaching – trainers will be provided 3 x 1 hour of online coaching to support them to deliver their first IMPACT Foundations workshop in the 6 weeks prior to first training event. A post-delivery reflective activity finalises the accreditation.